Simplify & Beautify

customizable resources for the online health coach



Amazing resource to enhance your business on a professional level.


If you're on the fence about purchasing this product I would tell you that it's going to be something you can use really easily to provide more value for your clients and it will be worth the initial time/money investment to have such a beautiful/helpful resource! I'm really excited to have this for my clients.


I have found it so helpful to have all the amazing recipes in one place and absolutely love how yummy the recipes are!


Some of my biggest questions when doing the clean eating program were always around recipes, especially if the ones shared did not "fit" what the client usually ate. This is an amazing resource to not only share a ton of recipes, but customize and add your own -- this is a wealth of knowledge and makes it so easy to eat clean. I'd recommend this for everyone!


Not only does it provide a kick-start to healthy living recipes, you have the option to add your personal collection of recipes!


On the Blog